Hexcrawling in Cairn 2e

I like the travel rules in 2e, but it irks me that it isn’t tied to exact distances. I want to run pointcrawls between known locations and hexcrawls for unexplored areas, so I rooted everything to a unified 12 miles / 2 six-mile hexes per 8-hour Watch system. Because I’ve opted for percentage penalties, there’s…

What’s the point of making stuff?

It’s been real quiet around here for a while.  Justifying creative endeavours can be difficult when money is tight. There are internal and external pressures to focus your time and attention on making money and partaking in a hobby can feel indulgent and leave you feeling guilty. Creative hobbies are particularly vulnerable to this. While…

Some house rules for Frontier Scum

I recently picked up Frontier Scum and I’m head over heels in love with it. Everyone in the OSR insists their game is fast and deadly; this one really is. Under normal circumstances, shots automatically hit, and you will drop quickly if you’re not careful. The book itself is really well-designed and evocative, and a…

The Order of Saint Cephas

Knave is my game of choice, so I’ve been looking for ways to incorporate divine magic into my game and differentiate it from Knave’s arcane spellbooks (besides having players make last-ditch prayers to Crom and the like). As the Gods Demand by Feral Indie Studio has everything I wanted from a divine magic system for…

Fantastic Feasts and Where to Forage Them

To me, the least interesting part of exploration and travel has always been foraging. Players forage and buy rations to avoid the consequences of running out of rations, but there isn’t much positive incentive for them to do so and it doesn’t provide much opportunity for player choice. Part of the problem is the abstraction…

Monsters are science experiments

The world is populated with abandoned castles and sorcerer’s towers filled with hidden treasure troves. How did their original owners keep their hordes protected from others? Traps, magic, and monsters. Mad sorcerers sought to design the perfect monster to protect their treasure with crude and twisted arcane experiments. These are the crocodiles in the moat.…

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some musings on tabletop roleplaying


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